Reactions of Six Durian Cultivars to Phytophthora Fruit Rot by Artificial Inoculation Under Controlled Conditions

  • Reynaldo G. Abad University of the Philippines Mindanao
  • Sitti Julyha B. Suib University of the Philippines Mindanao


Isolates of Phytophthora palmivora Butler obtained from rot-infected durian (Durio zibenthius Murr.) fruits were inoculated on healthy fruits of six durian cultivars (Alcon Fancy, Arancillo, Native, Puyat, Seri Kembangan F2 and Seri Kembangan Original). One mL of isolate suspensions (2.6 x 105 spores•mL) was applied on the midsection rind of each fruit (10 fruits per cultivar). Seri Kembangan F2, Alcon Fancy and Arancillo were the most susceptible to fruit rot in terms of rate of infection and lesion development. Puyat and Seri Kembangan Original had the least infection.