Where Are We in the Innovation Pathway Towards Agri 4.0?

  • Larry N. Digal University of the Philippines Mindanao


Prof. Larry N. Digal, PhD, is a professor of agricultural and applied economics, School of Management, and the former chancellor of the University of the Philippines Mindanao. He finished his PhD and MS in Agricultural Economics at the University of Sydney in Australia and Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana, USA, respectively. He finished his undergraduate degree in the same field at the University of the Philippines Los Baños cum laude and received the Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society of Agriculture Gold Medal Award for Academic Excellence and the Joan Gonzales Gold Medal also for Academic Excellence. He excelled in his area of specialization particularly in the “economics of sustainable agricultural value chains.” In this area, he developed, led many research projects and programs, developed research networks in UP Mindanao with links to international partners, mentored junior researchers, developed and led interdisciplinary research groups, led conferences and published extensively. His research interests also include industrial organization of agricultural markets, market power, and policy.
